miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2009

Fuck Off

Life past fast
But i don't wanna live
Cause you keep annoying me
Just let me the way i am

So call me
Fuck lazy or
Basket case
I don't care cause i like the way i am

You keep telling me how to live
Don't you understand that i don't wanna live like you?
Turn arround and fuck off
Just let me the way i am

So call me
Fuck lazy or Basket case, maybe
Fake Punk-Rock, I just don't care
Cause i like the way i am

martes, 13 de octubre de 2009

A Little Bedtime History

I'll tell you a history. This history it's about a thief, who theft from a family all the jewels in a invaliable price.

The police tried to capture him each day from 9 months,the thief did never appear... One guy tell to the police that he saw a kid playing with a rubi stone, it was from the family. The kid said that a nice guy gave it to him. Three days later appears almost all the stones that were stolen,the thief was giving them. One guy was for sure that the thief were hiding in a forest not very far away from the town where they live. The police and the families from the town tried to get the thief day after day but without any signal from him. Nobody understood why the thief was giving these stones, why he stolen them, why he waste time doing that?, but the answer was simple, the most of thiefs are looking for the same thing, a razonable thing, money, right?, but some people just want to watch the whole world burn,they enjoy the suffering of other people, why they do that? BECAUSE IT'S TOO MUCH FUN! they say.

The people of the town were desperate,they didn't have too more options, the thief did never appear, but it couldn't stay like that!. So they burned the whole forest to capture the thief...

Sometimes you got to sacrifice something to get another... but it the end you always gonna ask to yourself...did it worth it?.

-I Don't Know..

By: Me :B
All the rights and lefts reserved.

Ps: I liked the history

domingo, 4 de octubre de 2009


My luck is always hidding,
I've looked everywhere
But i'm gonna keep searching,
Searching for my luck

I've builded a fortress in sky
Where nobody can reach,
Some has tried to fly like a bubble
But as my dreams they fall apart

My dreams always fade and die
like a bubble when reach the sky
But i continue dreaming
Until some day they came true

Por: Yo :B
Todos los derechos e izquierdos reservados
PD: This doesn't have any sence. I know.

viernes, 2 de octubre de 2009

You're Wrong

I guess that I was wrong again
You're not the one who I thought
I don't want you arround anymore
So why are you still here?

You pretend to be someone else
Somehow I believe in you,
And if you think that I'm gonna believe again
You're wrong,
Just wrong.

Now that I've seen the way you are
I'm gonna just turn and run
Because you're not the way I tought
And thats just wrong.

Por: Yo :B
Todos los derechos e izquierdos reservados
Pd: your wrong too

domingo, 13 de septiembre de 2009

What A Great Life

6:30 a.m, what a great life,
I'm up and i gotta run to get a bus
Now in the school the principal makes
Me wanna kill myself, so i kick him
On the nuts and run because he'll fuck my ass

Oh why you gotta be such a dick head
I know you, you're not like that
So why dont you go fuck yourself

About 1 o'clock is time for lunch
Everybody running to get a seat
That makes me feel pathetic.
Is 4 o'clock i just wanna go home
So stop fucking talking i'm not listening to you

Oh why you gotta be such a boring person
I know you, you're not like that
So why dont you go fuck yourself
Yeah fuck yourself.

Por: Yo :B
Todos los derechos e izquierdos reservados

Pd: Fuck off

domingo, 9 de agosto de 2009


Hoy mientras obsernava lo común en mi computador,me encontré con algo peculiar.Una niña de 9 años escribiendo en su página.Decía que "Dios" era su unico señor,inspiración y creador.Me detube un momento a observar esa escritura con cierta ironía,ya que si nos ponemos a pensar,una niña de 9 años no sabe de lo que esta hablando,así que me llevo a la conclución de que éstas ideas las sacaba de casa.Al parecer,estaba en lo correcto.En otra situacion me toco ver a un chico de 14 años,estaba vestido con un traje, me llamó la atención,pero al fin y al cabo me di cuenta de que éste chico,hablaba de otro "Dios".

Me llama demaciado la atención que niños de distintas edades tengan formas de pensar tan peculiares.Me llama la atención de que esos niños puedan apuntarme con el dedo por pensar diferente,siendo que los demas le apuntan por la misma razon.La verdad es que no entiendo a la religion,dioses,mesías,milagros,etc.No puedo comprender algo NO concreto.De lo que sí estoy seguro es que el ser humano por naturaleza busca alento,protección y por sobre todo,respuestas para todo.Como el ser humano necesita de todo eso,creó a un ser imaginario que "cubriera" todas esas espectaciones.Esto nos deja mas en claro que el ser humano es el animal menos desarrollado por crear a un protector imaginario.Deberiamos de volver al polvo.

!Deberiamos de volver a andar en bolas por la vida sin preocupaciones!.
¿Quien está conmigo?

Por: Yo
Todos los derechos e izquierdos reservados
Ps: Nosé en verdad por que escribi eso,solo quice compartir un poco mi pensamiento.

sábado, 8 de agosto de 2009


Dices amar a tu pais
Pero sigues lastimandolo
¿Porque tienes que matar
Para sentirte superior?

No sabes porque lo haces
Pero sigues riendo fuerte
Si le pasara a tu madre
¿Estaria esa sonrisa en tu cara?

No entiendo de donde salio ese pensamiento
Siguiendo a alguien que murio
No entiendo porque sigues tan feliz
Despues de haber quitado tantas vidas

Despierta,no esta bien lo que haces
Despierta,la gente no te respeta,te teme

Por: Yo :B
Todos los derechos e izquierdos reservados
Ps: Nose